Friday, May 20, 2011

What's happiness to you?

They say when life hands you lemons, you should make lemonade.  However, I usually buy lemonade at the grocery store.  So now I have all these lemons laying around everywhere, and I'm not sure how long I should hang onto them before deciding I have no intention of using them and ultimately throwing them out.  Is there a grace period - like how long you have to display a birthday card from a loved one on the refrigerator before you take it down?  Or can you just cast them out immediately?  The longer I dwell on this analogy, the more I wonder if I should be expected throw them out at all?  Should I donate my intangible, tragically symbolic lemons to some kind of karmic charity?  Or should I pack them away in a time capsule and bury them?  Would they be of less use to me fresh than spoiled or decomposed?  Likely not... but I digress...

I'm at a point in life where I'm trying to decide how much control my circumstances can and should have over my happiness.  I long to be happy again.  I'd like to decide to be happy.  But my current situation is a constant hindrance.  Left alone with my thoughts, I wonder... do I even have the power or the resolve to make my situation better?  To will it better, faster?  Should I be expected to wait for the dust to settle before moving onward and upward?  My emotional and logical mind are at odds.  But for the first time in months, I think my logical mind might finally be gaining some ground.  Now, if only I could get a better handle on what it truly means to be happy... what it means to me.  Then, I'd be in business!