Thursday, December 29, 2011

If you can't say anything nice...

I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm about as ready to ring in a new year as I've ever been in my entire life.  2011 has been a bit of a roller coaster for me.  I can honestly say it was the year that life - as I had grown to know and love it - was forever changed in the most radical of ways.  I saw the only truest form of love I had experienced to date dissolve, leaving in its wake a seemingly boundless stream of opportunity and promise.  I was reminded that no matter how well you think you know yourself, you can always learn new and exciting things.  I've made a wealth of new friends and re-connected deeply with a number of those I already had (and arguably took for granted).  And my future transformed from a near certainty into a wide open sea of mystery and wonder - much to my unabashed amazement!

In just a couple days, we'll be celebrating the birth of 2012.  As likely are all of you, I'm already thinking of what I'd like the year to bring.  I'm setting new goals for myself.  Making new plans.  And for the first time in what feels like an eternity, I feel like I'm positioned to achieve the relative greatness that has eluded me for as long as I can remember.  I hope the rest of you will join me in raising a glass to this amazing thing we call life.  Let's all together take the bull by the horns and become whatever it is we've always wanted to be!  Here's to whatever lies on the next page!  *clink*