Saturday, January 8, 2011

Look Good, Feel Good

Over the course of the past year, I've experienced a gradual depreciation in self confidence that came to a head when an avalanche nearly knocked me off the slopes at the first of the New Year.  I've been fighting exhaustively to keep stable footing - looking anywhere and everywhere I can to find ways to build myself back up - and in spite of the intense fatigue that lingers in my rear view, I'm finally beginning to move in the opposite direction.  Gaining ground and going up!

It's an amazing feeling.  Energizing.  Invigorating.  And while I can't say the adage to which I've dedicated this entry has everything to do with it, I can say that it has certainly played a vital role.  Lately, I've been going through my wardrobe and pulling out all the stuff I used to wear when I wanted to look awesome.  Fortunately enough, I recently lost about 15 lbs. - thanks to some significant changes in my diet, and enrollment in the CFJ5K program - which means lot of it fits about like it did 'back in the day' (quite a confidence booster in and of itself). I'm working on growing my hair out a little longer, too.  Trying my best to be creative in the meantime.  Styling it different ways.  Using different product.  And I know this doesn't exactly fit, but I've been squirting myself with cologne every day for a while now.  Look Good.  Feel Good.  Smell Good.

All of this probably sounds terribly superficial, but the proof is in the pudding.  I like who I see when I look in the mirror a little more every day.  And I think those closest to me are beginning to feel the impact of that change in reflection in a very positive way.  It may have started with the surface, but it runs much deeper.  The closer I get to looking the way I want to look, the closer I get to feeling the way I want to feel.  Acting the way I want to act.  That may sound backwards.  Maybe it is.  But take it or leave it... it's working for me.

I guess the ultimate reason I wanted to share this story today is twofold: 1) to let all my readers know that I'm doing much better [read: life is much better] since my last entry, and 2) to encourage any of you who may be looking for a way to reinvent or rediscover your sense of self to start with the outside and work your way in.  And let me know how it all works out!

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